What is constellation work?
In family and systemic constellations, individuals or, more generally, elements of a system are arranged in physical space. This allows their relationships to be observed and worked on. This perspective often leads to new insights and sets impulses for positive development.
Examples of topics that can be explored and addressed through constellation work include:
- Relationship patterns: Partnership issues, patchwork families, parent-child conflicts
- Family of origin: Dynamics within the family of origin, intergenerational patterns
- Life purpose and spirituality: Questions of meaning, spiritual crises, personal reorientation
- Career and work: Conflicts in teams or organizations, professional challenges, tendencies toward burnout
- Health and the body: Dealing with illnesses, symptoms, or inner blockages
- Grief and loss: Processing loss, dealing with death, and navigating difficult transitions
Forms of Constellation Work
Group work
In group settings, other participants take on the roles of the individuals or elements relevant to the specific issue being addressed.

Family constellation in a group setting
Constellations in a group setting take place two to three times a year, either on a Friday evening or a Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, I can not offer simultaneous translation. Therefore, should you want to participate in a group setting, fluent knowledge of German is advantageous.

One type of individual constellation work
Afternoon of Family, Systemic and Chakra Constellation work (in German)
30,00 € Workshop for addressing personal and professional issues and concernsSa | Mar 29 | 02.00 pm - approx. 06.30 pm CET |
in a group, in my yoga studio
Should you have an issue to be looked at and should the issue be addressed, the additional cost will be another 30 €.
Details and booking
Individual work
Constellations for individuals, couples, or families can be scheduled at any time. Ideally, individual constellations take place in person at my location, but they are also possible online via Zoom.
In individual work or work with couples or families, figures or symbols are used to assign a place to the respective individuals or elements.
I charge 120 € for one hour of individual work. Typically, a session lasts about 1 1/2 hours, for which I charge 150 €.

Individual constellation work using figures
Chakra Constellations
From the perspective of yoga, chakras (from the Sanskrit word cakra, meaning “wheel”) are energy centers in the body that play a crucial role in distributing life energy.
The chakra constellation format I have developed helps release inner blockages, transform limiting behavioral patterns, and enhance overall energy levels.
For group chakra constellations, I recommend a minimum of ten participants.
I cannot guarantee that a chakra constellation will be included every time constellation work takes place in a group setting.
Chakra constellations can also be conducted individually—either in person at my location or online via Zoom.

Chakra constellation
Transformative Impulses Through Constellation Work
Among the positive effects of constellation work are the following:
- Gaining new perspectives:
Constellations allow for a fresh view of complex relationship dynamics or systemic connections, helping to clarify the root causes of conflicts or blockages. - Releasing emotional blockages:
Working with representatives or symbols can bring deep, often unconscious, emotions to the surface, enabling them to be processed and leading to a sense of emotional relief. - Improving relationships:
Recognizing relationship patterns —whether within families, at work, or in other contexts—can help resolve existing conflicts and foster more harmonious interactions.
- Enhancing self-efficacy:
Consciously identifying and addressing challenges empowers individuals to actively create change, boosting their confidence and sense of personal responsibility. - Restoring systemic balance:
Constellation work helps identify imbalances in family systems, teams, or organizations and facilitates targeted adjustments to restore harmony and stability.
These effects can vary depending on the individual and the issue at hand but often provide valuable impulses for sustainable personal and for the entire system.
Training in Constellation Work
I began learning family constellations and systemic constellations in 2002 with Gabriele and Bertold Ulsamer. For self-exploration and further training, I also attended constellation seminars with Bert Hellinger, the founder of constellation work who passed away in 2019, as well as with Albrecht Mahr, Daan van Kampenhout, Rolf Lutterbeck, and Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibéd.
Q and A
Are family constellations suitable for all kinds of questions?
After more than 20 years of experience with the methods of constellation work, I have developed a great respect for the ability of us humans to find the right solution. If a constellation is one step on the way to this, I am very happy. At the same time, I do not believe at all that constellations work is the panacea or can bring about miracles. If someone is able to bring about miracles, it is the person who strives for healing.
Therefore, yes, each issue can be examined through constellation work – but the question is rather: what is it that you are really looking for? And what is needed to develop the strength to find a solution appropriate for you?
Can constellations also have side effects?
Yes. In the literature, there are a number of examples which show that constellations have had a destabilizing effect for some people.
The moderator of the constellation is important, both in terms of professional experience as well as in terms of compassion.
This is why I usually recommend that as a first step you get an impression of the working style of the respective moderator (in this case, myself) before you look at a constellation for you personally.
It is also possible that as a representative or just an observer, a certain issue of another participant gets so much “under your skin” that you feel that you require support.
Then it is important that you, should you become aware of this immediately, make the moderator aware of what’s happening. Or, should you only realize it later, that you get in touch with the moderator to discuss which kind of support is appropriate in this specific situation.
Listen to your intuition, your inner voice.
Recommended Reading:
Bert Hellinger: Die Quelle braucht nicht nach dem Weg zu fragen. Ein Nachlese-Buch. 2001, 2018 (7. Auflage).
Bert Hellinger: Ordnungen der Liebe. Ein Kurs-Buch. Carl-Auer Verlag, 1994, 2013 (10. Auflage).
Albrecht Mahr: Konfliktfelder – Wissende Felder: Systemaufstellungen in der Friedens- und Versöhnungsarbeit. Carl-Auer-Verlag 2003
Bertold Ulsamer: Ohne Wurzeln keine Flügel – Die systemische Therapie von Bert Hellinger. Goldmann Verlag,1999.
Matthias Varga von Kibed, Insa Sparrer: Ganz im Gegenteil. Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, 2004.
Gunthard Weber (Hrsg.): Zweierlei Glück. Die systemische Psychotherapie Bert Hellingers. Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verlag, 2001.
„Children ought to recieve two things from their parents: roots and wings.”