Sanskrit is a form of yoga – for the mind

Sanskrit is a form of yoga – for the mind

This heading might surprise you - what does yoga have to do with Sanskrit? In the West yoga is often seen as training for the belly, legs, and butt. Sanskrit is the language in which the majority of the old Indian literature was composed, but these days, it is no...

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The wisest man in Greece

The wisest man in Greece

Here comes one of my favourite stories: One day a businessman came to the Oracle of Delphi, looking for advice in important matters. The actual matter at hand is not known, but it is unlikely that he was on a spiritual quest but rather had questions about business...

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Energy follows the intention

Energy follows the intention

In prior blogs I drew your attention to the subject of the  s p a c e - especially to the fact that the space provides the limitations to your will. The "big will" Today, I do not want to discuss the space, but rather the ingredient that you yourself contribute to...

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