Coaching and energy work

Coaching on site

Procedure and prices

Upon an initial short contact by phone or mail, we schedule a date for a first personal meeting, where we discuss the issue that you would like to work on. Based on this initial meeting we can decide if and in which way we want to work together.

The hourly fee for the initial meeting is 150 €. In a longer-term cooperation, the hourly fee is 120 €.


Pater Rupert Lay (1929 – 2023), source: images by Jörg Telöken,  Recklingshausen, with kind permission, also from Rupert
Dr. Wolfgang Looss, published with kind permission


In my understanding, coaching is a way of supporting people to deal with professional and/or private challenges through helpful conversations.

Typical issues where coaching can be useful are:

  • decisions between staying or leaving – in personal relationships as well as in professional situations
  • a better understanding and hopefully change of repetitive behaviors that prove to be counterproductive
  • the desire to determine what truly is important for yourself and how you can integrate that into your life


Coaching online

My approach

My approach to coaching has been influenced a lot by Dr.Wolfgang Looss and Pater Rupert Laywith whom I worked intensely during my years as a manager in the health care industry.

Of course, the way that I coach is also influenced by my personal experiences, methods of systemic therapy and concepts from energy work as well as systemic constellation work.


Recommended Reading:

Rupert Lay: Dialektik für Manager – Methoden des erfolgreichen Angriffs und der Abwehr. Ullstein Verlag, 2003.

Rupert Lay: Vom Sinn des Lebens. Ullstein Verlag, 1997.

A number of Rupert’s books can be downloaded free of charge from his Website.

Wolfgang Looss: Unter vier Augen – Coaching für Manager. EHP Organisation. 2006.

„You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.”

Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642)


Energy work

Energy work is a further approach through which I would like to support people on their path to a self-determined life. The aim is the liberation from limiting thought patterns and belief systems, towards inner independence.

Within this approach, the term “energy work” describes certain techniques that have their effects on the energetic level, in the yoga vocabulary one would say “in the energy body”.

In my experience, a release of blockages on this energetic level increase our vitality and enhance our physical, emotional and mental well-being.


Energy treatment

Meditation techniques

The meditation techniques are the third and in my view decisive element of this work. These are techniques that help you to protect and strengthen your own energy in your daily life.

Basic exercises are for instance:

The man of bronze increases your grounding and the ability to protect your own space.

The loop helps to distribute your life energy (in yogic terms “prana”) evenly.

Through the coat, body and mind are prepared for a restorative sleep at night.

The daily practice of these meditation exercises is – hand in hand with regular energy treatments – decisive for the positive effect of the energy work.

Overall, I shall accompany you over a period of 6 to 12 months. Following that, as a rule, you have all the instruments on board to develop that which you achieved further.

Energy assessment

Elements of the energy work

The energy work that I offer consists of:

  • energy assessment
  • energy treatments and
  • meditation exercises

At the beginning of the first encounter, we shall as the first step do an extensive energy assessment  together. This assessment is the foundation for the entire work that follows.

In the ensuing energy treatments, I shall use certain techniques which are applied by laying my hands on or close to your body in order to intensify your body’s energies and to resolve possible blockages. This results in a deep inner healing so that the entire energy system can reorient itself.

These energy treatments shall be continued every 4 to 6 weeks.

On the days of such treatments, you should not schedule other obligations afterwards (also not yoga 🙂), but should have time for yourself.

My hourly fee for energy work is 120 €. The initial session lasts on average 1 1/2 hours, for which I charge 150 €.


The direct path

The main basis of this form of energy work are the techniques “The direct path” developed by Christian Lamilhau. I had the privilege of learning these techniques directly from him and his former wife Claudia Boeckmann in the years 2002 to 2007.

Recommended Reading:

Barbara Ann Brennan: Hands of Light – A Guide to healing through the Human Energy Field. Bantam New Age Books, 1988

Vlady Stevanovitch: La voie de l’énergie – L’éveil et le développement du chi, ou énergie vitale. Eidtion Dangles, 1993

“Seule la douceur peut guérir le corps de sa souffrance.”

(“Only gentleness can heal the body of its pain.”)

Christian Lamilhau